9 T-Shirt Styling Tips To Look Sexier


Fashion sense is the first thing everyone notices and you don’t get a dashing look by buying branded clothes. You can be the most attractive person in the room, even in a basic t-shirt, by just pairing it right. 

You can go from average to looking sexy by just changing a few fashion factors. Here are a few tips and tricks for styling your t-shirt. This blog will answer all your questions from what kind of t-shirts you should buy to how to style them.

Happy Reading!


Tip 1- Maturity Scale

You got to understand the T-shirt maturity scale. Ideally, dress according to your age, so the maturity scale ranges from young on one end and mature on the other. If you are in college, you can dress on the young side, you can go for t-shirts with graphics, and bright colors, but if you are above 22, go for a mature look. For a mature look, plain t-shirts in dark or white are the best. 



When you combine these two, I mean when you get a dark color t-shirt with a pattern or a bright-colored plain t-shirt, you would end up with an average look. 


Tip 2- How To Wear Graphic T-shirt

If you love wearing graphic t-shirts, here are a few tips you need to follow

Two Color Maximum- One base color of your t-shirt and one color of the graphics


Colors to go for

  • Black on red
  • Blue on black
  • White on green


 If you are going for a 3 color graphic t-shirt, always remember the third color should be minimal. 

The major mistake that most guys make is going for a t-shirt with a dominating third color. 


Tip 3- Logos

Logos might not be a big deal for you, but it is kind of a big deal for the society we live in. Many people judge you based on your clothes and your brands. Avoid wearing it, and also plain t-shirts look way better because simplicity is beautiful.


Tip 4- Fit

I know nowadays baggy clothes are in fashion but that I will keep for another blog. Fit t-shirts still look good and are preferable for a mature look.

 For a fitted t-shirt, all you need to have is an above-average arm and chest. So maybe first try building a fit body and the best way to do that is to watch fitness videos by BeerBiceps.



When you are going for a fit t-shirt, always remember

  • Not too long, not too short
  • The sleeve length should be short and tight (covering your shoulder muscle)
  • Tight on the upper torso and loose below the torso region


Tip 5- Neck Ring

The neck ring of your t-shirt should be tight and closer to your body and, importantly, the neck ring should be thin.



Tip 6- Save Money

For building a perfect wardrobe, it is not about spending a lot of money; it is about having a few classy pieces


  • V-neck Black T-shirt
  • V-neck White T-shirt
  • White round neck

Colors to go for other than black and white

  • Solid Grey
  • Olive Green
  • Brown
  • Navy Blue
  • Maroon 
  • Deep Blue



Tip 7- Footwear

Rule to follow for pairing footwear with a t-shirt

  • \"\"
  • Don’t wear formal shoes with the t-shirt
  • No boots or loafers

Go for sneakers or flip-flops. These two pairs of footwear will go amazingly when paired with the right color of the t-shirt. 


Tip 8 – Watches

When it comes to watches, don’t go for metallic ones. They are made for formal looks. Go for a leather watch for a semi-formal or a casual look. 


Tip 9- Situational Dressing

You can wear t-shirts for any casual event like a lunch date or a fun hangout. Go for a shirt or polo when you are going to work or any event related to work. 


Follow these 9 tricks to look stunning and sexy in a t-shirt

Hope you enjoyed reading this blog and gained knowledge about styling. Thak you.


Watch Next:

How to Dress Well For Indian Men


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Easy Workouts For Build Chest At Home

16 thoughts on “9 T-Shirt Styling Tips To Look Sexier”

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    1. Need options and website or link so that we can purchase from there.

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