Jay Shetty Returns On TRS – Indian Culture, Past Lives & Mental Health

Jay Shetty is somebody who is known to represent Indian culture and its values all over the world. He is a life coach and one of the most influential motivational speakers on social media today. He is also a published author with his bestseller book ‘Think like a monk’ & the most recent \’8 Rules of Love: How to Find it, Keep it, and Let it Go\’. Link: https://www.amazon.in/Books-Jay-Shett…

We all have 24 hours in our day, but if we go about it with high-frequency activities like meditation and learning things then you can improve your life.

Jay has achieved extreme success in a short time and is still learning new things and diving deeper into spirituality.

Being Back In India

“It feels good to be back in India. I always come here for personal reasons like spiritual guidance and retreats. I am here for professional reasons for the very first time. Usually, I visit the eco-village. My phone would be switched off. I go back to living in a monk-like way for 2-3 weeks. Getting up at 4 in the morning, meditating, reflecting, and journaling, I find doing these 2 – 3 weeks a year feels good.”


Lessons Learned As Monk

“I think life being difficult helps you make good content. When you look at the best musicians, their best songs come from pain or heartbreak. I think it is hard to create from a place of no challenge or stress. Everyone has some stress and pressure. For me, when my first book came out, it was a moment when I received so much love. There was a depth that came with it. Wisdom doesn’t mean you have no problem. It just means you know how to solve them quicker. Rather than spending time with negative thoughts for weeks and months, you can push back and plan what to do in the next two days. Gaining wisdom doesn’t mean you won’t be anxious. Every time I am out of my comfort zone, I feel stressed and anxious, but it is a good thing\”.



“I have been to therapy. Therapy helps you to unravel the past, and coaching helps to build your future. It is necessary for everyone, no matter how spiritual you are. I always felt I did not need therapy. I went because I didn’t want a blind spot in life. I have also done self-therapy over the years. For me, going into therapy was to bring healthy patterns to all the unhealthy patterns from my past. Therapy helps me figure out what I am carrying from the past that is ruining my future.”


“I think a lot of men need therapy. Most of them were told they could never express their emotion. All over the world, women’s biggest complaint is men are not in touch with their emotions, and they can’t express themselves. Crying should be as natural as laughing. We should not hold back. Men feel pressure to appear strong to be attractive.”


“Most of the people I know have a therapist. No one in the world is perfect. The problem is whether we are open to problems or not. The number one problem I see is people think that success will solve their problems. Everyone has this psychology that when you get fame or money, you will be happy. But when you reach that level, you still would not be away from your problems.”


“There is a verse in the Indian literature that if you protect your dharma, your dharma will protect you. I grew up where it was celebrated even if you were Indian. But when I moved to the States, I got to know that Indian culture wasn’t appreciated. They used to hide their Indian culture. They were bullied.”


“For me, nirvana, heaven, or moksha is the eternal relationship with the divine. It is not a physical place. I am more focused on building that relationship with divinity.”

“I am interested in being around people who help me spiritualize my material desire. In my 30s, I am more at ease with who I am and open to the idea that I don’t know everything. I have learned to prioritize. My spiritual desire is growing for sure but, I think you have more compassion and empathy for the challenges.\”

Having Kids

“We have spoken about having kids. But it is my wife’s decision because it is a process. There is no preparation for parenting. We all study, get a degree, marry them have kids. But the questions should be, why should I have kids, and are we ready for the changes that are coming with it and no focus in when to have kids.”


Thank You!


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